The Pros and Cons of Co-Washing for Coloured Hair
The latest trend in caring for your hair!
At ONE Hair Salon in Perth we like to keep up to date with the latest colour trends, including the rise of Sulfate-Free shampoo, Reverse-Washing, Dry Shampoo, and No-Poo shampoo. As a way to extend your colour and provide extra care for lightened hair, such as our ever popular Balayage or Blonde highlights.
This rise in popularity in alternative, natural and organic ways to care and cleanse your hair comes from people discovering that conventional grocery store shampoos have harsh detergent ingredients that dry out your hair and can strip you colour out in 1-2 washes!
They can damage your hair by stripping away its natural oils, leaving it drier and dull - all while coating it with heavy silicone build up that masks the fact that they don't actually moisturise your hair.
Which brings us to the newest movement for naturally caring for your hair, CO-WASHING!
What is Co-Washing?
The term Co-Sashing is short for 'conditioner washing' meaning that hair is washed with a cleansing conditioner as an alternative to shampooing and then conditioning separately.
How to make it work for you
You may think that this way of washing your hair could never work for you! You can't see how you can get by without that 'normal squeaky clean' feeling or that your hair is too oily and if you leave for a day, you'll drown in your oil slick! The good news is that if you give it a try, you will be amazed by how healthy your hair will become and how your hair problems like being over oily or psoriasis can lessen and sometimes disappear!
The trick to success is that you should gradually work it into your hair care routine, as the benefits of the transition to co-washing take time to reveal themselves.
It takes a few tries for your scalp to adjust to the co-washing method and it could feel oily or heavy in the beginning.
The easiest way to transition is to start with Co-Washing every three to four washes. This will ensure your hair keeps a healthy level of hydration and moisture while weaning you off your current shampoo.
Adds real moisture to your hair
With lightened Blonde, Balayage hair or if you have natural curly hair texture, your hair will be more prone to dry out faster. Co-washing will help with increasing adding real moisture to your hair and make it naturally smoother and shiner
Brings your scalp back into balance
Using conventional shampoos strip the hair due to their harsh chemicals which can stimulate your scalp to over compensate and produce lots of extra oil your hair doesn't need. While Co-Washing will allow the natural oils on your scalp to condition and cleanse your scalp and hair as they are meant to.
Defines curl pattern
The secret to having amazing curls and colour is moisture, moisture and more moisture! Added moisture to your hair will naturally make your curls more defined, bouncy and frizz-free.
Hair might feel heavy
This could be due to over use of the product near the scalp and not rinsing it out properly. Just remember to concentrate the application of the product from the ends up and rinse throughly.
You have to use the right product
Co-washing your hair with just regular conditioner may add residue every time you co-wash. That's why its important you choose a product that is specifically designed to be used for Co-Washing.
Co-Washing is not great for removing styling product build up
If you are someone who loves styling products, you will need to cleanse your hair from product build up by using a cleansing shampoo such as Kevin Murphy's Maxi Wash. Doing this several times a month will help shift product build up from your hair cuticles and strands that co-washing conditioners are not designed to do.
What kind of hair best suits Co-Washing?
Co-washing suits hair types, but if your hair has been chemically lightened (Yes, i am speaking to you Blondie!) or if you have naturally dry hair that struggles to hold in moisture or curly coarse hair, then this new hair care trend will be a life saver for you!
Products We Love for Co-Washing!
At ONE we all love to lighten our hair and many of us have curly hair too, so we were keen to find the best products for co-washing.
While there is no 1 single product that is perfect for everyone, we found these that have become our favourites that we personally use at home and in the salon!
We recommend Kevin.Murphy RE-STORE, it is a treatment that has properties that cleanses the scalp and treats the hair at the same time with an intense dose of hydration. To have the perfect mixture of cleansing and conditioning we recommend Kevin.Murphy MAXI.WASH to cleanse your hair of any build-up of residue.
One condition by Deva Curl is also a good choice for co-washing. We like to pair it with a conditioning cleanser like No-Poo, which is a hydrating cleanser.
We also found this all-natural, hair care brand called Hair Story. Their products are all-natural and detergent free! We think it's perfect for Co-Washing. Take this quiz to see which products will suit you best!
If you feel like your hair is dry, dull and damaged. Find out more on how you can professionally revive your hair with our skilled stylists at One Salon. Click Here