But the trend “bronde” means that you are no longer forced to choose between the two. The clue is in the name: a fusion of brown and blonde, to create a flattering, sun-kissed colour result. “Bronde” is in fact a complete beauty trend that goes beyond hair colour since it reduces the contrast between hair and skin tone, to create shade harmony.

BRONDE - Blonde / Brown Hair Spring Colour Trend
Blonde versus Brunette
Traditionally, they have always existed in two very separate camps.
On the one side, women who favour rich, sophisticated brunette tones in their hair and on the other, blondes who prefer a lighter, brighter colour result. Indeed, both can be beautiful and throughout their lifetime, many women will find themselves switching shades.
As a result, this colour effect is best suited to warmer, darker skin types to enhance their natural colouring and it can be very complimentary on more mature women too.
With “bronde”, blondes can enjoy an elegant colour result with added depth, while brunettes have their look lifted and illuminated without going platinum!
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